Our Services
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal rehabilitation utilises therapy and specific exercises to ultimately return the individual to as close to normal function as possible.
Our treatments are science-based and focus on furthering the healing process and improving normal tissue function whilst also preventing long term disability.
These interventions should start early to maximise the best possible outcomes for the client whilst also minimising the damaging effects of immobilisation and physical inactivity.
Our programs are goal driven for the best possible client and clinical outcomes and are progressed accordingly in a controlled and closely monitored manner.
Orthopaedic Prehabilitation and Post - Surgical Rehabilitation Programs
With the high prevalence of surgical orthopaedic interventions taking place, Regener8 Exercise Physiology can assist you with entering surgery with a higher degree of muscle condition pre-surgery. Evidence has shown these prehabilitation programs to deliver better long term patient outcomes post-surgery.
We can also help you progress on from where many people stop post-surgery. Our clinical goals combine with your desired outcomes to forge stronger and more stable joints bringing you greater confidence in your daily activities plus reducing the risk of these injuries recurring.
Talk to your current health care team about how to integrate Exercise Physiology into your plan moving forward and get in touch soon!
Cancer Fatigue Management
In accordance with The ESSA position statement, we have clinically tested, evidence- based methods to assist in the management of fatigue that comes from certain types of treatments.
Our science driven strategies help to improve your quality of life and assist in the maintenance of your physical condition during and post treatment. A structured care plan can be achieved with your current network of practitioners to help you through your treatment.
Further reading here :
COSA Position Statement on Exercise in Cancer Care
Chronic Disease and Chronic Pain Management
Current research has shown significant evidence toward exercise being a key element in the management of pain along with heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle related illnesses.
Regener8 Exercise Physiology can work alongside your current health care team to bring you the best long-term outcomes and improve your quality of life. Extensive high-quality studies continue to give reason for incorporating a structured and balanced exercise program to assist in the management of these conditions.
Small Group Strength, Conditioning and Wellness Classes
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
Specific exercise selection to help with stability and strength all aimed at creating a stronger and more resilient YOU long-term
Diabetes classes
Evidence based sessions with like-minded participants in a welcoming space whilst also learning more about your condition to help you better manage your diabetes diagnosis long-term!
DVA small group sessions
Work along-side other retuned service people. We pride ourselves on working closely with the individuals who have served our country.